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5 Types Of Friends We All Meet In Life

A true friend is a diamond in the rough
11 Nov 2019, 01:09 PM

5 types of friends we all meet in life

Main Image Via Twitter

When it comes to friends, they come for a dime by the dozen. However, true friends are really diamonds in the rough. In the course of finding these diamonds, we surely encounter many different shades of friendship. Here’s a little list of the type of friends we are all bound to meet in this journey.

  1. The ‘Promise’ Guy

These are the friends whose words are promising but can never be relied on. From never turning up on time as promised to unintentionally spilling your deepest, darkest secrets on a whim, these are the friends we learn to live with and love. Why? Because they are who they are. Besides, if we immensely enjoy their company and the mindless fun they bring into our lives — who are we to complain.

  1. The Flirt

Is this friendship platonic or if there is something more brewing underneath? Some friends have us asking the question. They bring great vibes and put a smile on our faces. They bear no ill intentions, however they feed off the special attention they garner from flirting with others. Fact is, they just can’t help being a flirts.If you don’t know who this person is in your circle, well, maybe that’s you?

  1. The Supporter

These are the friends that always support and validate us in whatever way they can. However, rarely do we develop a true connection with them. Uploaded a new picture on your social media? They’re right there to remind you what a hottie you are. Made a big achievement? They’d tell you how happy they are for you and probably ask to catch up over a drink. Lost your pet? They’d wish you healing from the grief and comment RIP on your lengthy post about losing your pet. But these reinforcements almost always come from a distance, not in person. Either way, these friends are definitely worth the keep, as you may never know when things can take an interesting turn.

  1. The Leech

How they continue to be accepted in ones circle is a mystery. However, meeting such people are unavoidable. Looking on the bright side, they definitely teach us a thing or two about adult friendships and how important it is to have a great circle that gives back. These are the friends who expect us to do all the work in the friendship. They look for you when they need to vent but are never available for you when you need a friend. They’re always making you pay for things while they think twice about lending you their sweater. A word of advice, proceed with caution.

  1. The BFF

These friends are the diamond in the rough. Some are blessed to find a few such friends while others are gifted with only one such person. Either way, these amazing creatures should be treasured and cherished like the royalty they are. From being your confidant to loving you unconditionally and putting up with you whims and crazy moods, these are the people who love you like family and wouldn’t trade you for the world. We hope you return the favour and treasure them the same.

Know any other types of friends that we all meet in this journey of life? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to RAAGA for more interesting reads!


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