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Quick guide to helping the depressed.

Be the light in someone’s darkness!
21 Jun 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via Internet

Feeling down or depressed from time to time is normal. But if these feelings last 2 weeks or more, or start to affect everyday life, this can be a sign of depression. 

Depression can develop slowly. Someone who's depressed doesn't always realise or acknowledge that they're not feeling or behaving as they usually do.
Often it's a partner, family member or friend who first realises that help is needed. They may encourage their friend or relative to see a physiatrist, or find some other source of support.

Here are few tips to help someone who’s down.
1. Let them know you care and are there to listen. Often people feel better knowing they have a shoulder to lean on.


2. Accept them as they are, without judging them. Everyone is different and special in their own way, the right thing to do is to love someone as the way they are.


3.Gently encourage them to help themselves – for example, by staying physically active, eating a balanced diet and doing things they enjoy.


4. Get information about the services available to them, such as psychological therapy services or depression support groups available. There are many people out there that are willing to help.


5. Stay in touch with them by messaging, texting, calling or meeting for coffee. People who are depressed can become isolated and may find it difficult to leave their home. 4 walls can be a lonely place when you’re feeling the blues.  


6. Try to be patient. People don’t usually admit they need help and tend to be a little hard-headed and stubborn. If you hang around long enough, they will come around.  


If you’re feeling low, remember there’s always a loved one waiting to hear you out. You can always approach helplines. You can reach Befrienders at 03-7956 8145 or Lifeline Association of Malaysia at (063) 92850039.

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